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IMPORTANT: the use of the drug Eralfon 40000 IU is possible only after medical consultation with your doctor. The information provided on the NewPharmacy website is not a substitute for medical advice.
Information about the drug Eralfon 40000 IU: instructions, prices, analogues, generic and other related drugs.
Buy Eralfon 40000 IU from NewPharmacy online
Contents- Eralfon 40000 IU uses
- Eralfon 40000 IU dosage
- Eralfon synonyms and analogues
- Eralfon available forms
- Where to buy Eralfon 40000 IU online with delivery?
Eralfon 40000 IU uses
- Anemia caused by erythropoietin deficiency in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF).
- Anemia associated with chemo-and radiotherapy of tumors.
- Anemia caused by the use of Zidovudine in HIV patients. EPO-dependent anemia (non-myeloid tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.).
- To reduce the volume of transfused blood during extensive surgical procedures and acute blood loss.
Eralfon 40000 IU dosage
Enter p/c or v / V. When changing the method of administration, the drug is administered in the same dose, then the dose is adjusted if necessary (to achieve the same therapeutic effect with the n / a administration, a dose of 20-30% less is required than with the intravenous administration).
The optimal concentration of Hb in patients with anemia on the background of CRF is 100-120 g/l in adults and 95-110 g / l in children. Adults who are on peritoneal dialysis, n / a, the initial dose is 50 U/kg 2 times a week. If necessary, the dose is increased once every 4 weeks by 25 U/kg until the optimal Hb concentration is reached. The maintenance dose is 25-50 U/kg 2 times a week. In adult predialysis patients, the initial dose is n / a 50 U/kg or IV 3 times a week.
If necessary, the single dose is increased once every 4 weeks by 25 U/kg until the optimal Hb concentration is reached. The maintenance dose is 17-33 U/kg 3 times a week. For children on hemodialysis, the initial dose is 50 U/kg 3 times a week. If necessary, the single dose is increased once every 4 weeks by 25 U/kg until the optimal Hb concentration is reached. Maintenance dose in children with a body weight of less than 10 kg - 75-150 U/kg (average 100 U/kg), 10-30 kg-60-150 U/kg (average 75 U/kg), more than 30 kg - 30-100 U/kg (average 33 U/kg).
Patients with baseline severe anemia (Hb less than 68 g/L) require a larger maintenance dose than those with milder anemia. In cancer patients, the optimal Hb should be 120 g/l. For the treatment and prevention of anemia, it is administered n/a 3 times a week in an initial single dose of 150 U/kg. If after 4 weeks of therapy the increase in Hb is less than 10 g/l, then in the next 4 weeks the dose is increased to 300 U/kg. If within 4 weeks the increase in Hb is less than 10 g / l, the drug should be discontinued. If Hb increases by more than 20 g / l for 4 weeks, the dose is reduced by 25%.
If Hb exceeds 140 g / l, treatment is suspended until it is reduced to 120 g / l and then therapy is continued, reducing the dose by 25%. HIV-infected patients taking zidovudine (with a concentration of endogenous erythropoietin of at least 500 IU / ml): the initial dose is 100 U/kg 3 times a week, n / a or IV for 8 weeks. If necessary, a single dose is increased 1 time in 4 weeks by 50-100 U/kg at the same frequency of administration.
If there is no effect from the administration of the drug at a dose of 300 U/kg 3 times a week, further therapy is impractical. The maintenance dose should provide hematocrit in the range of 30-35%. If it exceeds 40%, the use of the drug should be discontinued until it is reduced to 36%. When resuming therapy, the dose should be reduced by 25%. Hb in HIV-infected patients receiving zidovudine therapy should not exceed 120 g/l.
For patients before surgery using autologous blood-600 units/kg 2 times a week. If you need less stimulation of erythropoiesis-150-300 U/kg 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. Blood sampling is performed at a hematocrit of 33% or more and/or Hb of 110 g / l or more.
Patients in the pre-and operational period who do not participate in the autologous blood collection program - n/a 600 U/kg per week for 3 weeks preceding the operation (21, 14, 7 days before the operation), and on the day of the operation. If the preoperative period should be shortened, then 300 units/kg are administered daily for 10 days before the operation, on the day of the operation and for 4 days after the operation.
Eralfon synonyms and analogues
International name: Epoetin alpha, Epoetin, Erythropoietin, EPO, Haematopoietin, Haemopoietin, Eritropoietina, Eritropoyetina, Hemopoyetina.
Pharmacological Group: Erythropoiesis stimulators
Analogues and related drugs of the medicine Eralfon:
- Eprex 2000 IU 6 syringes
- Eprex 4000 IU 6 syringes
- Eprex 10000 IU 6 syringes
- Eprex 40000 IU 1 syringe
- Myrcera 100 mcg
- Myrcera 150 mcg
- Myrcera 75 mcg
- Myrcera 50 mcg
- Aranesp 20 mcg
- Aranesp 300 mcg
- Aranesp 30 mcg
- Aranesp 500 mcg
- Vero Epoetin 2000 iu 1 bottle
- Erythropoietin 2000 IU 10 ampoules
- Binocrit 2000 IU 6 syringes
- Binocrit 3000 IU 6 syringes
- Binocrit 5000 IU 6 syringes
- Binocrit 10000 IU 6 syringes
- Binocrit 30000 IU 1 syringe
- Binocrit 40000 IU 6 syringes
- Epocrin 1000 IU 10 ampoules
- Epocrin 2000 IU 10 ampoules
- Epocrin 4000 IU 10 ampoules
- Epocrin 10000 IU 10 ampoules
- Epostin 2000 IU 1 syringe
- Epostin 2000 IU 10 ampoules
- Epostin 10000 IU 10 ampoules
Eralfon available forms
Release form: Solution for injection 40000 IU 1 ml 1 syringe
Manufacturer: Sotex, Rusia
Also available different dosage forms of Eralfon for sale:
- Eralfon 2000 IU 6 syringes
- Eralfon 2500 IU 6 syringes
- Eralfon 3000 IU 6 syringes
- Eralfon 5000 IU 6 syringes
- Eralfon 10000 IU 1 syringe
Where to buy Eralfon 40000 IU online with delivery?
At NewPharmacy, you can buy Eralfon 40000 IU with Worldwide Mail Shipping. All medicines are shipped from Russia. We ship to all over the world, we don't ship to Germany.
We ship any medicines only after full payment is made. Eralfon 40000 IU cost is indicated for 1 pack (unit).
Our online pharmacy sells only original, 100% authentic medicines (drugs).
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